الأحد، 6 أكتوبر 2013

اسئلة الذكاء IQ والانترفيوا والانجليزى

-introduce yourself?
My name is Ahmed Makhlouf Mohammed Sayed
I am 25 years old
Graduate of the Faculty of Commerce
Cairo University
Department of Accounting
Batch 2008
I lived in cairo
I worked before in the customer service department in a hotel three pyramids.

-what do you know about customer service?
هو القسم الموجود فى اى شركه
والذى من خلاله نعمل على تلبية احتياجات العميل
وحل مشاكله بافضل الطرق الممكنه
و قوة اقناع العميل  بما تقدمه الشركه من حلول
والحفاظ على العلاقه بين الشركه والعميل  للوصول الى رضاه

Section is located in any company
 And through which we work to meet the needs of the client
And solve problems in the best possible way
 And the power to convince the client including the solutions provided by the company
  And maintain a relationship between the company and the client to get to the satisfaction
What is the type of the customer service field ?

1- Face to face
2- By phone
3- Public relationships
Why we should hire you

Friendly, educated, Patient

Work under pressure
What is your strength and weakness point?
Say or mention 3 defects (disadvantage) in your character?

Strength such as   Most Active
Weakness such as I want to learn anything quickly,
I want to achieve my goals quickly

Why do you want to work in customer service field?
Why do you want to work in customer service?
Why we should hire you?
Why I have to chose you to work
what's the skills must be in the successful call center person?
As  I  Friendly, educated, Patient
Work under pressure
Most Active
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I want to become in the highest position like Tim Leader or Sober vairz
I work to
strengthen myself in English study courses
Why do you want to work in this company?
Because the company .......One of the largest customer service companies in Egypt
I know that they have too many clients
why do you want to leave your past job?

I worked in the company a lot of years, but I did not learn anything new and did not continue to highest position
Most challenge you have faced professionally?
الأكثر تحديا التي واجهتموها مهنيا
What was the last book that you have read or the last movie?
I read the book talks about the power of self-control
I learned
a lot from him for a solution Interior weaknesses was the author of the book by Dr. Ibrahim Fiky...
What can you perform on a computer more than any average user?
I can design a number of programs and sell them on the Internet and Agni including profits
Can you work under a stress and in a changing environment?
What the biggest thing you achieved in your life?
I have prepared research by myself, although Dr. request every five people that Ateke and I have prepared in a short period of taking the best research at the university level
Define quality?
Quality is the real measurement of any product or service that can really tell if it's good or not
What can you do when facing an angry customer?
If an angry customer called you what will you do
Ofcourse he is angry because he has a problem and he doesnt know how to solve it

First   I try to calm the customer and listen to him carefully
Secondly     taken the proper methods to resolve the problem
Thirdly,   I follow with the client until the problem is resolved
Fourth,    I avoid these problems occur in the future
What will you use in your work?
Concentration, patience, good listening, smiles and be accurate in my information.
What is the same relation between the customer service agent and the designer؟

Both of them aim to fulfill the customer’s needs.
26-What is the hardest situation you met before?

قول اى موقف صعب سواء في الحياة العادية او في الكلية او مشروع التخرج او في كورس او او

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